We are pleased to offer our popular Nostalgia Nights T-shirts For Sale (100% cotton Colour Sapphire) Please indicate size and quantity, complete the order form below and indicate method of payment and delivery. Once payment has been processed, we will mail your order immediately. If preferred, pickup can be arranged at our DDB office.
Other ways to buy a T-shirt
T-shirts will also be For Sale at select Downtown businesses: Visit www.nostalgianights.ca to locate a Downtown St Thomas business that sells our T-shirts.
For Pickup – we can accept cash or cheque payable to “St Thomas Downtown Development Board”. Pickup Location is at our DDB office located at the rear entrance to City Hall, 545 Talbot Street St Thomas N5P 3V7 lower level – Since we are often out and about working on projects, you may not catch us there. So, we will connect with you by phone or email to arrange a defined pickup time.
For Delivery – please e-transfer payments to DDB@stthomas.ca and provide us with an answer to your security question – using a separate email is best. We will arrange delivery once receipt of funds are confirmed.